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A helping Hand

200 residents of a senior housing complex received needed supplies and food.

(Link below to Elderly Nutrition Program ⬇️)

As the Covid-19 crisis continues, many vulnerable populations fear leaving their home or do not have transportation to go to the grocery store.

Senior residents of a housing complex were running low on food supply after a food bank that would provide food to hundreds of residents on-site was cancelled due Covid-19 safety restrictions.

That's when Natalie, the resident service coordinator, reached out for help and organized supplies for her residents.

Carlos Sanchez along with his oldest son, Anthony, delivered some supplies and company bags for Natalie to gather for her residents.

Do you know anyone who may be experiencing difficulty getting groceries or meals?

Here's a good resource that may help persons over 65 years:

For more information on the Elderly Nutrition Program's Home Delivered Meals (Los Angeles County), ☎️ 800-510-2020 or click the link:

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